Tuesday, October 15, 2013

38.5 Weeks & a plan

Today was my "38-39" week appointment, this being my 3rd weekly appointment and 3rd time being "checked."
2 weeks ago I was measuring at 60% effaced and 1/2cm dilated.
Last week... same measurements.
 So after my appointment last Tuesday the remainder of my week was spent working Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday.  Our unit was so busy that on Thursday I discharged ALL of my patients (4 of them) and picked up 4 NEW patients... literally running my pregnant belly off.  Each day I went home with extremely swollen feet, but somehow had enough energy to wake up the next morning and do it all over.  Friday, however, I hit a wall.  I felt as if something was a little "off" so I told my charge nurse Melissa and she immediately had me check my blood pressure...  138/98.. not so good.  I then went upstairs to get some urine dipsticks to check for preeclampsia but the dipsticks shows up normal (of the joys of working in a hospital with so many things accessible).  I continued working and a few hours later my pressure was a little lower 133/90 which wasn't as worrisome.  Saturday and Sunday were spent running errands and resting, but Sunday after church I still felt a little off with a headache, swollen feet, and numb fingers.  I checked my blood pressure at home to find it at 140/100!  On our way to Sunday Dinner we stopped at my hospital and I picked up a few urine dipsticks as well as had my coworker nurse check my pressure with our hospital machines... yup 140/98.  I peed on the dipstick and once again no protein, but with the high blood pressure and me having not worked the last two days I was a little concerned.  Instead of driving all the way to Alta View Hospital in Sandy I instead chose to text my doctor my signs and symptoms.  He called me a few minutes later and basically told me that there comes a time that I need to stop working and that time was now.  So YAY that I didn't have to go to work yesterday and that I have officially started my leave of absence.  He told me to take it easy (... I'm not sure if ripping up floors in the duplex counts.. whoops) and we would reconvene on Tuesday at my appointment. 

Lance went up to the duplex to get a head start on painting and my dad ventured with me to my OB appointment instead.  Luckily I had my dad run to the car to grab my FMLA paperwork when I was called back to get checked... because this was definitely an atypical doctor's visit.

Urine Dipstick: within normal limits
Weight: 2lb gain since last week
Blood pressure: 133/88
Fetal Heart Rate: 140

My MD then entered the room and his first remark was, "C'mon you were supposed to have a high pressure today!!!"  He continued to talk saying that we could be delivering this baby as soon as tomorrow, but first needed a reason or indication to induce.  So he preceded to check and guess what..
Cervical Check: EXACTLY THE SAME grrr... 1/2cm & 60% effaced.
He then wanted to check my fluid levels.  If my fluid levels were low induction could happen. So he left the exam room and said, "I'll check the halls for guys..." after checking the halls he said "C'mon Christine!" and there I went. Running through the halls of my OB office with just a sheet covering my bottom half and nurses and medical assistants all giggling as I passed by.  We entered the other exam room that is home to the ultrasound machine.  Fluid levels looked great.. little Gummy is just bobbing away in there.  He then checked the placenta to see if it was a level 3 which it almost was  (a level 3 means the lungs are fully matured).  Because we were right on target and baby looked great there was no grounds to say he NEEDED to come out today and I am happy as a clam to let me stay inside for another week if it means his little lungs will be more developed and stronger to fight the awful winter season filled with gross RSV, Croup, and who knows what else!

We then ventured back to the other exam room where we discussed dates.  Next Tuesday was the agreed upon date for induction due to my blood pressure and swelling.. and me being full term at 40 weeks. 

I know some people would be mad/frustrated/angry to have to wait another week, but I honestly view it as a blessing in so many ways.  I have been gifted a week to make sure the house is in order & clean, to run last minute errands, rest, and to help/supervise the remodel of our duplex.  I have been blessed with time to enjoy being a married couple without children for just one more week.  I have been gifted a set plan or schedule which is honestly one of the things I am MOST excited for.. knowing the exact date things are going to happen and being able to plan.  Going without a plan for the past couple of weeks has driven me a little crazy.  I hate the unknown.  But here I am now.. with a plan. A plan that I love.

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