Tuesday, August 2, 2011

All In a Days Work

In the last 2 days the entire basement has been primed and ready for paint.  Just today alone I painted both ceilings, put two coats of paint in the bedroom (FINISHEDDD!!), painted one coat in the living room.  
Before (as in Yesterday with just primer)
One of Lance's TOP accomplishments was framing out this closet to fit 4 2 foot wide sliding doors.  Robert and Lance spent a good portion of a Saturday afternoon turning the math into a tangible construction.

Today (finished!!) 

Lance's MOST FAVORITE accomplishment of our entire basement was this beauty.  A NEW DOOR!
The old door was "cut to size" and was an inch in both directions too small.  Lance had to rip out the old door and all of its existing framing and then take the framing and expand it to make room for this door.  Now we have a "window" in our living room which gives us tons more natural light (and it looks so cute!) 

  • One last coat in the living room (ceiling and walls).
  • Carpet (which is happening next week thanks to George, Robert's brother.
  • Bathroom.
Starting Mid next week we will have a REAL FURNISHED BASEMENT.  Our house may finally be able to be and STAY cleaned.  I think that has been our most stressful part of this entire journey- dirt.  Lance and I are both really clean people.  We can't stand dust, dirt, gunk, nothing of the sort.  Clutter even annoys me, but here we have lived with a 1/3 less sq. footage for the last 4 months and with mopping every three days our floors are filthy within 45 minutes.  I am SO excited to finally be dirt freeee. YAY YAY YAY!!!

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