Sunday, August 18, 2013


We've been busy busy busy the last 3 weeks trying to get our house in order, decorated, and things put away.  Since we've had 80% of our belongings in a storage unit for the last 7 months it was difficult trying to remember the things that we had.  For the most part other than new bed linens and a few pieces of furniture, I haven't purchased anything new for the house.  All the decor that we have on display is all stuff that we've collected and had in storage.  Who knew we had so many picture frames! Holy moly.  Here are some pictures of our new home.  Of course over the next year or so more personalization will take place, but for now everything is clean and has a home. 

 Outside:  New flag & garage decor.
Lance's Office:  This room still needs some help in regards to decreasing clutter, but with the help of a filing cabinet the clutter should be alleviated soon.

 Kid Bath:  Personalization to come....
 Guest Bedroom: This is our old bed (queen) that we no longer needed when we were generously given Lance's aunt's king sized bed.  At one point Lance wanted to sell it but now that we are in our own home I'm so glad we have a guest bed. 

 Living Room:

 New addition:  Doggie Door & Doggie Corner

Our lives literally revolve around these two clowns.  We had Lance's uncle come over and help us install this doggie door.  It was quite a process cutting the hole and building a ramp for them.


Thanks to those who came out to see our progress thus far.  I'm sure more things will change, but I'm happy to have everything out of a box and placed in their proper places.

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