Monday, August 13, 2012

shake it

Today after Zumba I said "Lance, zumba really isn't hard if you consistently exercise. I didn't die during the class and I feel fine now..."  Lance freshly responded with "DUH! Health and wellness major." 

Embarrassing. I have a bachelors degree in exercise and wellness, and for whatever reason I totally spaced on how your body gets used to exercising and being in shape.  In the past I have gone to zumba once every other week/ here or there and each and every time 20 minutes in I am completely exhausted and wanted to sit down and eat a doughnut instead.  Since having trained for the 10k over the last two weeks.  Exercising 6 days a week has changed my mindset as well as increased by abilities.  I think it is important to note that not everyday do I go out and exercise hard for an hour.   Most days its a solid 20-30 minute run and then a shower and the rest of the days responsibilities.  Today I just happened to have enough time to make it to zumba, and enjoyed my workout.  3/4 into the class the instructor called me (yes me!) to the front to lead the class in a "booty bumping" dance.  It was my first time meeting that zumba instructor as well as my first time doing the dance! (i guess she thought my booty shaking was pretty good ;)

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