I've been saying it for months. JUNE was the month that was going to be the end all be all of my sanity. but HELLO July. Seeing you notifies me that I did, indeed, survive July! (Well almost, 1 day left of june, but who counts Saturday). Over the past month my schedule with school and work and everything else has been hectic to say the least. Lets see if this how this is even possible.
12 8 hour shifts at Primary Childrens = 96 hours
4 12 hour shift at Riverton (graveyard) = 48 hours
2 12 hour shifts at Midtown Manor (crazy psych unit, also graveyards) = 24 hours
3 12 hour shifts at the U for OB/Maternity Rotations = 36 hours
5 6 hour shifts at a psych preschool in Kearns = 30 hours
1 12 hour Psych rotation at Salt Lake Regional = 12 hours
1 12 hour Peds rotation in Bountiful = 12 hours
8 4 hour sessions for class (8 hours a week) = 32 hours
4 2 hour lab sessions for OB/Peds = 8 hours
2 Midterms = countless hours studying.. and 3 hours taking the test...
Studying.... so many hours I can't even think!!
Total = 301 hours + some
Average per week = 75.25 hours.
This past week fellow nursing students and me discussed how CRAZY things have been and how completely exhausted and lethargic we are all of the time. We came up with the conclusion that it isn't soley the amount of hours we are scheduled to do things, but more so that we have ZERO time to exercise and eat healthy. With a week of 75 hours of on the go, there were days I would leave the house at 6am and not get back until 11pm. On those days it was difficult to pack a lunch for 3 meals, so I would eat out 2 of the 3 meals. Needless to say my summer body is not up to par, and now with summer half way over I'm have to make up for my poor food choices over the past 3 months. Being semilazy when it comes to exercising I have dedicated myself to enlisting in 5k and 10k races. Knowing I have a race in 2 weeks is motivation enough to RUN the entire thing and thus means I have to train. Props to myself for waking up this morning an extra hour early to go on a 2.5 mile run with Ellie before my 9am-11pm day!
Every time I have gotten completely overwhelmed with the stresses of this past month Lance would keep saying, "June is almost over, you can do it!" As corny as it sounds, his optimism in my dreadful schedule and the support he has given by helping take care of the pups to allow me to sleep has been an absolute dream. I am so grateful to have a husband who pushes me and supports me in all my crazy endevors. To think we have been married for 23 months! I can't wait for July to come where we will be able to celebrate our 2 year anniversary!
Obviously anyone who knows me knows I have ZERO patience and am extremely motivated when I want to be. For heavens sakes I took a sledge hammer to my bathroom last summer and single handedly remodeled the entire thing (during my LAST finals week at BYU). During my Spr-ummer break this year I painted my house instead of taking the week to just 'relax'. I am a busy person and have always been, but in some aspects I am grateful for the Lord's timing and His plan for all of us. When Lance and I first started "trying" our expected delivery would have been this past spring-summer. Now looking at what I have just endured school wise, I know it would have been impossible and emotionally exhausting to try to handle everything while having or giving birth to a newborn. I view my inability to get pregnant over the past 2 months of doing Intraunterine Inseminations as a "blessing" for I could NOT have survived such a busy schedule if I was sick with pregnancy morning sickness and lethargic as ever. Hopefully I won't ever have to really experience the joys associated with morning sickness, but just in case I am glad I didn't have it while watching a mommy's cha-cha as she delivered her baby! (sorry for the visual).
As for JULY? For the first two weeks I have 18 hours a clinicals a week (a step back from 30 hours) and work. The end of week 3 will be our anniversary which I have taken the ENTIRE weekend off for. Yes, my first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off ALL summer. and week 4 will be Lance's Family Reunion and my finals week. I am so excited that July will be calmer than June was, but even more exciting that July means we are one month closer to August- my month of freedom. Be expecting posts of vacations and house redecorating!!
oh yeah and HELLO! Did you know? I GRADUATE in 10 months!
oh yeah and HELLO! Did you know? I GRADUATE in 10 months!